
This configuration parameter can be used to specify the domain controller host names if your DNS is not configured to use Active Directory. In most cases, you should not use this configuration parameter in a production environment because Active Directory automatically updates DNS with fail-over and replica servers optimized for the Active Directory site configuration. This configuration parameter is used primarily for configuring an evaluation environment when the DNS server is on a UNIX computer and can’t provide the _ldap service records.

To set this parameter, the Active Directory domain name must be specified as the last portion of the configuration parameter name, and the parameter value is the host name of the domain controller. For example, if the Active Directory domain is acme.com and the domain controller for that domain is coyote.acme.com:

dns.dc.acme.com: coyote.acme.com

You must specify the name of the domain controller, not its IP address. In addition, the domain controller name must be resolvable using either DNS or in the local /etc/hosts file. Therefore, you must add entries to the local /etc/hosts for each domain controller you want to use if you are not using DNS or if the DNS server cannot locate your domain controllers.

To specify multiple servers for a domain, use a space to separate the domain controller server names. For example:

dns.dc.lab.test: dc1.lab.test dc2.lab.test